ROBIN™ Currency at Vögele Kultur Zentrum, Pfäffikon SZROBIN™ Währung im Vögele Kultur Zentrum, Pfäffikon SZLa monnaie ROBIN™ au Vögele Kultur Zentrum, Pfäffikon SZIl denaro ROBIN™ all’ Vögele Kultur Zentrum, Pfäffikon SZ

Robin Bhattacharya and Catallina Ravessoud are presenting a new installation, featuring The ROBIN™ Currency, as part of ABWEHR – Überlebensstrategien in Natur, Wirtschaft, Politik und Alltag at Vögele Kultur Zentrum, Pfäffikon SZ.

“Plaid on Plaid”

ALTEX (Alternative Currency Exchange) Rates Display

Robin Bhattacharya and Catalina Ravessoud, 2012

“Plaid on Plaid” is an expression used to describe two patterns that are contrary to each other. It stems from when a man is wearing patterns from two different clans on his kilt – something that was not supposed to be done.
Alternative Currency Exchange, or ALTEX (analogous to FOREX) is the exchange of alternative or complimentary currencies, of which there is an almost infinite amount in circulation. While they may be local currencies, such as the Brixton Pound, digital like BitCoin or artist-made, as is the ROBIN currency, all of them yearn for a new economic model.

But how could they create a new shaped economy when they borrow iconography, shape, and economical structure from the dominant monetary systems?

The machine created by Robin Bhattacharya and Catalina Ravessoud displays these ALTEX-Rates in an electronically knitted pattern. While its surface shows a graph, the reverse takes up the different currencies’ far-reaching entanglement.


Website Vögele Kultur Zentrum/

“Plaid on Plaid” (Muster auf/gegen Muster)

ALTEX (Alternative Currency Exchange) Wechselkursanzeige

Robin Bhattacharya und Catalina Ravessoud, 2012

“Plaid on Plaid”, wörtlich Muster auf Muster, wird verwendet um zwei gegensätzliche und folglich sich störende Muster zu beschreiben. Der Ausdruck kommt von wenn ein Mann die Muster zweier verschiedener Clans auf seinem Kilt trägt – etwas das nicht gemacht werden sollte.

Alternative Currency Exchange, oder ALTEX (analog zu FOREX) ist der Wechsel von alternativen oder komplementärer Währungen, von denen eine fast unendliche Zahl im Umlauf ist. Seien dies Lokal-Währungen wie das Brixton Pound, digital wie BitCoin, oder von Künstlern geschaffen wie die ROBIN-Währung, sie alle sehnen sich nach einem anderen Wirtschaftsmodell.

Aber wie könnten sie ein neue Form der Wirtschaft erschaffen, wenn sie ihre Ikonographie, Form, und ökonomische Struktur von den dominanten monetären Systemen entleihen?

Die Installation von Robin Bhattacharya und Catalina Ravessoud zeigt die ALTEX-Wechselkursraten an, in einem elektronisch gestrickten Muster. Während die Vorderseite eine Graphik zeigt, nimmt die Rückseite die weitläufige Vernetzung der verschiedenen Währungen auf.


Webseite Vögele Kultur Zentrum/

Robin Bhattacharya and Catallina Ravessoud are presenting a new installation, featuring The ROBIN™ Currency, as part of ABWEHR – Überlebensstrategien in Natur, Wirtschaft, Politik und Alltag at Vögele Kultur Zentrum, Pfäffikon SZ.

“Plaid on Plaid”

ALTEX (Alternative Currency Exchange) Rates Display

Robin Bhattacharya and Catalina Ravessoud, 2012

“Plaid on Plaid” is an expression used to describe two patterns that are contrary to each other. It stems from when a man is wearing patterns from two different clans on his kilt – something that was not supposed to be done.
Alternative Currency Exchange, or ALTEX (analogous to FOREX) is the exchange of alternative or complimentary currencies, of which there is an almost infinite amount in circulation. While they may be local currencies, such as the Brixton Pound, digital like BitCoin or artist-made, as is the ROBIN currency, all of them yearn for a new economic model.

But how could they create a new shaped economy when they borrow iconography, shape, and economical structure from the dominant monetary systems?

The machine created by Robin Bhattacharya and Catalina Ravessoud displays these ALTEX-Rates in an electronically knitted pattern. While its surface shows a graph, the reverse takes up the different currencies’ far-reaching entanglement.


Website Vögele Kultur Zentrum/

Robin Bhattacharya and Catallina Ravessoud are presenting a new installation, featuring The ROBIN™ Currency, as part of ABWEHR – Überlebensstrategien in Natur, Wirtschaft, Politik und Alltag at Vögele Kultur Zentrum, Pfäffikon SZ.

“Plaid on Plaid”

ALTEX (Alternative Currency Exchange) Rates Display

Robin Bhattacharya and Catalina Ravessoud, 2012

“Plaid on Plaid” is an expression used to describe two patterns that are contrary to each other. It stems from when a man is wearing patterns from two different clans on his kilt – something that was not supposed to be done.
Alternative Currency Exchange, or ALTEX (analogous to FOREX) is the exchange of alternative or complimentary currencies, of which there is an almost infinite amount in circulation. While they may be local currencies, such as the Brixton Pound, digital like BitCoin or artist-made, as is the ROBIN currency, all of them yearn for a new economic model.

But how could they create a new shaped economy when they borrow iconography, shape, and economical structure from the dominant monetary systems?

The machine created by Robin Bhattacharya and Catalina Ravessoud displays these ALTEX-Rates in an electronically knitted pattern. While its surface shows a graph, the reverse takes up the different currencies’ far-reaching entanglement.


Website Vögele Kultur Zentrum/